Weekly Studio Schedule
5:00-6:00pm Private/Group Slot
6:00-7:00pm Adult Intermediate Flamenco
7:00-8:00pm Adult Advanced Flamenco
5:00-6:00pm Private/Group Slot
6:00-7:00pm Private/Group Slot
7:00-8:00pm Private/Group Slot
5:00-6:00pm Youth Flamenco
6:00-7:00pm Private/Group Slot
7:00-8:00pm Private/Group Slot
5:30-6:00pm Adult Castanets I
6:00-7:00pm Adult Beginner I Flamenco
7:00-8:00pm Adult Beginner II Flamenco
8:00-8:30pm Adult Castanets II
10:00-11:00am Private/Group Slot
11:00-12:00pm Private/Group Slot
12:00-1:00pm Private/Group Slot
Classes with low enrollment may be cancelled or combined
Important Dates
The studio will be closed on the dates listed below. All closed dates are factored into tuition pricing.
September 2 Labor Day
October 7-12 Fall Break
October 31 Halloween
November 25-30 Thanksgiving Break
December 21- January 5 Winter Break
March 10-16 Spring Break